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Candoo Culture Dashboard

We make our Blueprinting activity as fun as possible...


... but it is critical to the adoption and growth of your cultural vision that you have some way of measuring the impact of your efforts.

Knowing this, we created custom software that will provide you with real time indicators to predict challenges before they derail your mission.

Monthly Pulse Surveys

Let's provide VALUABLE metrics for Leaders to act upon.

Alongside this we have an enormous responsibility to anyone completing the survey to both PROTECT their data and PROVIDE information that can be used to help them and their teammates.


We achieve this delicate balance by using visualised data showing INDICATORS rather than specific responses.


The closest we allow Leaders to End Users responses is highlighting a maximum of 2 RANDOMISED positive and negative questions answered NEVER the actual responses to those questions.

Behavioural Profiling

Forming a behavioural profile for each individual.

This takes place periodically over the course of our integration with a client to ensure results are as CURRENT as possible.​


This profile is an EXTREMELY effective way of highlighting personal preferences for individuals within the workplace.​


We work diligently with Leaders to ensure they understand how this profile can help them CONNECT with their team members and identify how to foster TRUST and earn their RESPECT, how to better communicate with them and how to nurture their growth.

Trend Analysis

It's time to quantify your Trends.

Your Leaders will have CRITICAL insights that are often difficult to substantiate and communicate effectively.


Plotting trends over time gives them CREDIBLE benchmarks, reenforcing long term decision making.

  • Workplace satisfaction

  • Emotional well-being

  • Hotspots (such as stress and team cohesion)


  • Fairness

  • Recognition & reward

  • Communication


Leadership Profiling

Leaders carry your culture forward.

They help break down barriers and pull teams together to overcome all of the obstacles in your way to where you want to be!


Spot SUPERSTARS early!

Start fast tracking existing and future leaders with simple, accurate profiling.​


Take the stress out of managing your teams by KNOWING you've got the best people in the best possible positions.

Recruitment Suitability

Focus on protecting and promoting your Culture.

Recruitment profiling saves you the FRUSTRATION, substantial COST and team/project DISRUPTION of hiring the wrong person.


It also empowers you with key personal attributes and preferences for each individual candidate, which means you get the BEST FIT for the team, the role and the Culture.


This personal insight also leads to your new recruit being highly SATISFIED and PRODUCTIVE in their new role.

Team Mapping


Take the guess work out of team building.

Whether building a new team or onboarding new team members to an existing group, we make it simple to predict suitability.


We utilise exisiting End User data to predict 2 key components; Compatibility & Productivity.


Then we create Team Maps based on how each component/individual is impacted when considering their natural & stressed state.

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